EST 2000
EST 2000
Our latest leaflet is ready for collection at Flourish Café or
I can post it out once a self-stamped envelope has been received.
The leaflet list all upcoming trips.
In the late 1990s, while working at the Seaford Hotel, I was asked to organise day trips for the patrons. When
I left the hotel, I realised that they were not going to continue with these trips. Having met so many wonderful people, I felt compelled to take on the trips myself, so I registered Maree’s Tours, and haven't looked back.
Now I am an independent operator and have expanded from day trips and theatre shows to interstate trips and overseas trips, working in conjunction with a licenced Travel Agent. I have a passion for ensuring that everyone on my trips has a good time, meet new friends and know that I am around if they have any concerns.
Day trips may include a cooked lunch, a raffle and lots of laughter while travelling in a 5-star coach. We have travelled to many varied places around Victoria and have always found new things to see and new places to visit. Extended trips have been varied throughout Australia. Overseas trips have included New Zealand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Canada and Alaska, and China. As the overseas trips have been so popular, I had decided to try and include an overseas trip each year, but COVID interupted that. People feel more comfortable travelling with a group, especially with a leader like me who will assist, along with the overseas tour leader, to resolve any hiccups that may occur.
Luckily we have not experienced any problems on our trips so far. TOUCH WOOD. Travelling with someone like me ensures that it is indeed a holiday and not a stressful time for you.
So come and join us!
Maree Hutchins